Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mom's Visit

We are having such a great time with my mom here. The kids are loving having someone to play with all day long. Saga sleeps with her every night out in the cabin. She even asks if it time to go to bed, which is VERY unusual for her. Today we went swimming and yesterday we went and had lunch at Axel's Grandma's house. Tomorrow we are going into town for a little shopping. The snow is falling and everything is exactly like it's suppose to be around Christmas. Calm and cozy with a fire going. I'm lucky to have such a wonderful helpful mother that enjoys my family and me. We sure love having her here.
Took a little trip on the snowmobile.
Saga took a little trip behind the dogs on the sled, FUN!

Our tree after grandma had her way with it.  When she showed up it had about 8 ornaments on it and some lights, now it's lovely.
Sixten waiting his turn for the snowmobile.  He loves to ride on it.

1 comment:

Doll Family said...

How fun!!! I am glad you are getting this time with her! I hope you know how much I enjoy her and love that I get to be a part of her life!!!! Tell G-ma we miss her and Jax would like to say "I Love her"!!!~Merry Christmas to you all!!!