Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The First Summer Flowers

I made a crown of flowers for Saga yesterday.  She was so sweet wearing it.  Sixten got to try it on as well.  The last picture is so funny.  He wasn't sad at all about the flowers, it was something else entirely but it makes for a good story.  Yes, he still wants to wear the pink ballet outfit everyday ;)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Happenings in These Parts

My egg gathers with three eggs from yesterday.  The hens seem to like their new home but need another nesting box. At night they all cram into the one box you see below.  It's rather comical.

Axel build this for the 4 hens and one rooster.  They need a bit more protecting when it's windy so we are adding things to it everyday.  Today we looked out the window and the rooster had escaped.  New netting added to the top, we live and learn.

The boat is finally in the water and getting ready for some fishing this week. Axel worked on it all winter, totally redoing it.  It looks awesome with a new motor and all :)
I've come upon 2 bird's nests the last week.  I just feel awful when I have to move them only to see the birds don't come back.  This one was under a tarp that I picked up.  I guess at this time of the year it's important to look under things before moving them.  Another lesson learned.

I've taken it upon myself to stack all of our wood for next winter.  It's rather enjoyable actually.  This is were the first bird's nest was found.  I would have been a nice spot if the we wanted the wood to sit on the grass in  a bit pile all summer.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Hens Have Arrived

Yesterday we drove to pick up the hens.  They look a little ruff around the edges but hopefully a little fresh air, grass and some loving care with turn them into beautiful egg layers.  This morning we had two eggs that Saga and Sixten ate for breakfast.  Sunday was Swedish Mother's Day so we had the family over for dinner.  Below is a picture of Saga and Sixten's Great Grandma who came and spent the day with us.