Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sixten is so lucky to have such a WONDERFUL big sister. Saga is really great with Sixten 95% of the time. She is always telling him she loves him and giving him hugs. He gets to play in her room with her things ALMOST any time he wants. She includes him in her games and helps him out. They laugh together, and he is even starting to do things just to get her to laugh. I can tell they are going to have a wonderful relationship when he gets a bit older. Axel went out on his first fishing attempt tonight. Really excited to see what he brings home tomorrow. Both kids are sleeping and I'm going to finish my tea and crawl into bed as well.
Sixten gets to sit on the couch and watch a movie with her friends.
Saga found her sunglasses in the car yesterday and Sixten needed a pair too.  They ran around with those on the whole time I was making dinner.  Sixten likes to pull his off and then come to me or Saga so we can put them back on.  I think I put his sunglasses on 100 times and I loved every one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute and sweet can't wait till Xmas!!!Love Gma