Saturday, January 22, 2011

Warm January Day

HI!  We've had a nice Sat. outside after being inside for the last week due to more sickness.  Will it ever end???  Some pictures from the week. ENJOY!

Saga and Sixten sitting in a box.
Saga and I made some ice art the other day.  As you can see the blue one broke from spinning around and hitting the other ones.
Sixten sleeping outside today.  It was a warm -9C.  Saga and I did some skiing while Sixten slept.

After bath time.  He loves his baths.
Last weekend Axel just had to go out skiing for 3 hours in the -32C weather.  He looked like this when he came home.
Sixten sitting in the box.  Saga took this picture.

Saga painting a picture of Snow White that she got for her birthday from her friend Axel.

Just had to put another sweet sweet picture of my baby boy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

4 years and 5 months

This week we celebrated Saga's 4th birthday and Sixten turning 5 months. Yesterday we had Axel's family over for dinner and then our family friends came over for cake and cookies. I spent all day baking and cooking.

Harrieth, Axel, and Ulrika enjoying their red velvet cake. It was a spiderman themed party. Saga is into spiderman now.

Sixten was in my lap and was sucking on the plate. He fell asleep like that, I'm not kidding. He has a very itchy mouth but no teeth yet.

Birthday Guests

Sixten can sit up now for a bit. Have I mentioned how stinking sweet and cute he is??


3/4 of the Nordmark Family.

Father and Son

Saga is very creative. She came out of the bathroom very proud of her creation.

We hiked into the hunting cabin last weekend. Sixten in the sled, Saga hitching a ride and Papa skiing. I was trudging along behind without skis in deep snow. My calves were hurting the next day.