Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Seattle Trip!

Saga's first carousel ride!

Looking for the orangatang!

Eating mini cupcakes

We spent a few days in Seattle with Stephanie and Terrace. One day was spent at the zoo. It was a beautiful day and the girls had a blast. That night Saga and I stayed at my friend Robin's apartment, while Steph went to her parent's house for the night. I also got to see my friend Amelia for a few minutes on our way to the beach. We have so much fun together, and Saga and Terrace like to play together most of the time. We also spent one night at my friend Maria's house. Thanks everyone for the hospitality!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kate! What a wonderful time at home for you and Saga! I met some people from Stockholm yesterday and I said I had a niece in Lulea (sp)! They were very chatty after that! Enjoy the rest of your visit! We will be in Beijing from Aug 6-24..love you!