Thursday, June 26, 2008

Catch Up!!

We took a trip to Northwest Trek, a wildlife park close to Eatonville. We saw tons of animals, Saga's favorite being the river otters, they are my favorite too. It was slug fest 2008 so we took some silly pictures and made eatable banana slugs.

Eating popcorn with Grandma.

If I had to sum up our trip so far I would need only one word, outside. Saga wants to be outside ALL THE TIME. So our days are filling with walking to the parks and watering Grandma's flowers.

Father's Day was spend missing Axel of course but also celebrating all of the great fathers in our family. We had a BBQ at my parent's house and fun was had by all. Saga loves being with her cousins and LOVES kissing on her youngest cousin Jackson. She wasn't really sure about him at first but is now hooked. She actually wants me to hold him so she can sit on my lap and hold him too.

Helping Grandma cook!

Haley, my niece, had a birthday where she turned 10! Saga was there to help open the presents and try on her new shoes (Haley's)

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