Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Sixten is so lucky to have such a WONDERFUL big sister. Saga is really great with Sixten 95% of the time. She is always telling him she loves him and giving him hugs. He gets to play in her room with her things ALMOST any time he wants. She includes him in her games and helps him out. They laugh together, and he is even starting to do things just to get her to laugh. I can tell they are going to have a wonderful relationship when he gets a bit older. Axel went out on his first fishing attempt tonight. Really excited to see what he brings home tomorrow. Both kids are sleeping and I'm going to finish my tea and crawl into bed as well.
Sixten gets to sit on the couch and watch a movie with her friends.
Saga found her sunglasses in the car yesterday and Sixten needed a pair too.  They ran around with those on the whole time I was making dinner.  Sixten likes to pull his off and then come to me or Saga so we can put them back on.  I think I put his sunglasses on 100 times and I loved every one of them.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The newest addition to our group of friends, little Frida.  Elin is the big sister to the little one.  Saga couldn't wait to hold her, we were in such a rush we forgot to comb her hair, haha.
Sixten was so cute tonight.  He loves to read books and layed down on the couch to read.  Just after I took these pictures he rolled off the pillow and hurt his cheek, a big bruise.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

August Recap

What a great month we have had.  It's been full of activities and fun.  We celebrated two birthdays at our house, Sixten and Axel.  We had guests here from America for a week.  They were great fun and actually a lot of help around the house.  Two on my dear friends had babies this month, one boy and one girl.  The summer has come to a quick end here.  So this is my last summer post.  Now onto Fall which includes hunting season, fishing season, dance and gymnastics.  Included in there many play dates and other activities.  I think we have a lot to look forward to.  Good bye summer, we will see you next year.

Winter in August here in Sweden.  Saga trying on Brian's wolf hat he bought in Iceland.  She wants Axel to make one for her this winter.
Brian and Shirley Faloon came to stay with us for a week.  Everyone wanted to pose with their fur accessory.
Tried to have an impromptu photo shoot but it's not as easy as it sounds.  Got a few cute ones though.
This is a perfect log for Saga to dance on and practice her balance beam moves. 

A little boy and his ball.
kick kick throw throw
The birthday boy who turned 33 last week. 
My friend Ulrika who was two weeks overdue with baby number three.  They had a little girl on the 31st.  We can't wait to go over there and meet her :)
No this isn't my harvest but our neighbors down the road brought over some goodies to share.  YUM!